Papers in EnglishDiagnostic analysis of water circulations in Lake BiwaJ. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan, 34 (1978) : 250-260. /Abstract/Full Text/ Study on the circular currents in Lake Biwa Accumulation mechanism of "red tide" plankton in Lake Biwa,
Japan Diagnostic study on the vertical circulation and the maintenance mechanisms of the cyclonic gyre in Lake Biwa Recent study on water movement in Lake Biwa Gyre system in Lake Biwa derived from recent current measurements Geostrophic gyres in Lake Biwa -Review of geostrophic gyres Geostrophic gyres in Lake Biwa -Field observation in the north basin Water mass exchange between the main basin and Shiozu Bay Distribution and mixing of the River Seri water Discontinuity bar in a wetland on Lake Huron's Saginaw Bay Telemetry Lagrangian measurement of water movement in lake using GPS and
MCA Wind fields over Lake Biwa and their effect on water circulation. International hydrophysical experiment in Lake Baikal: Renewal process
of deep water in spring Estimation of water surface temperature by infrared remote sensing at
Shiozu Bay in Lake Biwa. Seasonal variation of turbidity in Lake Biwa Applications of GIS in water bodies monitoring Dynamics of Suspended Material in Lake Biwa. Physical Change of Lake Biwa and its Consequence A new method for temperature compensation of electrical conductivity Papers in Japanese with English abstractStudies on the internal waves by observing the time variations of water temperature in Lake Biwa(1979) /Abstract/Full Text/Study on the water circulation in Lake Biwa -Separation of the steady current and internal waves (1979)/Full Text/ Study on the circulating currents in Lake Biwa (1980) Circular currents in the North Basin of Lake Biwa(I) -seasonal variation of circular currents deduced from water temperature distributions (1981) /Abstract/Full Text/ Continuous records of water currents in Lake Biwa(I) -time variation of currents off Hikone and off Ado River(1982) /Abstract/Full Text/ Continuous records of water currents in Lake Biwa(II) -characteristics of water current in the South Basin of Lake Biwa(1982) /Abstract/Full Text/ Application of MSS infrared images to currents in Lake Biwa(1984)/Full Text/ Circular currents in the North Basin of Lake Biwa(II) -comparisons between observed current and geostrophic current(1984) /Abstract//Full Text/ Continuous current measurements in Lake Biwa(I) -method and some results (1985) /Abstract//Full Text/ Measurements of lake current by using a radar (1987) /Abstract//Full Text/ Continuous current measurements in Lake Biwa(II) -time variation of lake currents in the North Basin (1989) /Abstract//Full Text/ Physical, chemical and biological dynamics of substances at boundaries in Lake Biwa(1) -some results of physical observation in the boundary area between the north basin and the south basin (1989) /Abstract//Full Text/ Physical, chemical and biological dynamics of substances at boundaries in Lake Biwa(2) -analytical results of suspended and dissolved substances in the northern basin and around the boundary area between the northern and southern basins (1989) Physical, chemical and biological dynamics of substances at boundaries in Lake Biwa(3) -dynamics of phytoplankton at the thermocline and the intercurrent waters between north basin and south basin (1989) Infrared remote sensing for water current of Lake Biwa -basic experiments on measurement of the surface temperature distributions (1989) Continuous current measurements off the mouth of the River Seri (1990) /Abstract/ Distribution and dispersion of river water in Lake Biwa (1990) Recent current measurements in Lake Biwa (1990) /Abstract/ Observations of water temperature, electric-conductivity and turbidity using TCT profiler in Lake Biwa (1993) /Abstract//Full Text/ Seasonal variation of water current in Lake Biwa evaluated by a diagnostic model (1995) /Abstract//Full Text/ Seasonal variation of Bebthic Nepheloid Layer in Lake Biwa (1997) /Abstract//Full Text/ Continuous Current Measurements in Lake Biwa (III) - Results of Long-Term Observation over One Year - (1997)/Full Text/ Recent warming of Lake Biwa water (1999)/Abstract//Full Text/ Continuous measurements of dissolved oxygen and temperature in deep water
of Lake Biwa (2003) |
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